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Devils Pool

Victoria Falls' Devil's Pool: Safety Concerns Raised

Famous infinity pool reopened, but experts warn of risks

Devil's Pool, a natural pool of water perched on the edge of Victoria Falls, has reopened to the public after being closed for two years due to safety concerns. The pool is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a chance to swim to the edge of the falls and look over the precipice. However, experts have warned that the pool is not as safe as it seems.

The pool is located on the Zambian side of Victoria Falls, which is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The pool is formed by a rock barrier that creates a small, calm area of water just a few feet from the edge of the falls. The water is clear and the views are spectacular, but the pool is also very dangerous.

The rock barrier that forms the pool is not very stable, and there have been several cases of tourists being swept over the edge of the falls. In 2009, a tourist drowned after being swept over the edge of the falls while swimming in Devil's Pool. In 2015, a tourist was injured after being swept over the edge of the falls while taking a selfie.

Despite the risks, Devil's Pool remains a popular tourist destination. Visitors are advised to take precautions when swimming in the pool, and to only swim in the designated areas. The pool is closed during the rainy season, when the water levels are too high and the currents are too strong.
